For immediate release: An update on the Corporate Transparency Act As was warned, on January 22, 2025, the United States Supreme Court has just lifted the stay imposed by the District Court of Eastern Texas. All corporations, in our case, all HOAs and Cooperatives,...
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We are the advocates on whom home owners associations (HOAs) and real estate owners rely when they have legal concerns. We are Bender Anderson and Barba, P.C.
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Firm News
What is the period of declarant control?
The period of declarant control starts when the developer creates the community and ends when they turn over the control to the homeowners. During this time, the developer has significant control over how the community operates and makes decisions. This period plays a...
Status of CTA Filing Mandate from FinCEN
Dear All, I trust this message finds you well and that you are enjoying the holiday season. Significant developments have emerged from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit concerning the enforceability of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)....
CTA NATIONAL UPDATE: FILING DEADLINE REINSTATED WITH DEADLINE EXTENSIONS As was contemplated, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals just reinstated the January 1, 2025, beneficial ownership information filing deadline under the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) for all...
Corporate Transparency Act Update!
On December 3rd, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas published a decision in the matter of Texas Top Cop Shop, Inc., et al. v. Garland, et al. issuing a preliminary nationwide injunction against the Corporate Transparency Act essentially blocking...
What is the difference between HOA and condominium boards?
Knowing the difference between Homeowners Associations (HOAs) and condo boards can be tricky, as they have many things in common. Both groups work under Connecticut's Common Interest Ownership Act (CIOA) but have different traits and tasks. Key Differences The...
Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) – UPDATED
On Oct. 24, the motion for preliminary injunction filed by CAI National was denied. The injunction was sought to postpone the deadline for community associations to comply with the act’s burdensome requirements until the case could be fully heard by the court. As a...
Unclean Hands
Unclean Hands is a legal principle that requires a good conduct on the part of a plaintiff seeking equitable relief. The plaintiff’s conduct must have been fair, equitable, and honest as it pertained to the controversy at issue. The Unclean Hands Doctrine is intended...
Board Education is the Key to an Association’s Success
One of the greatest challenges in representing community association board is keeping boards educated about their powers and duties. Too many mistakes are made not from ill-intent but, ignorance. Most Connecticut community associations are subject to the provisions...
Resale of Condominium Units
The Common Interest Ownership Act, which is comprised of Connecticut General Statutes Sections 47-200 to 47-295, provides the legal framework for the operation of common interest communities, as a practical matter, condominium associations. C.G.S Section 47-270...