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We are the advocates on whom home owners associations (HOAs) and real estate owners rely when they have legal concerns. We are Bender Anderson and Barba, P.C.

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Closer To Free Ride

by | Sep 11, 2021 | Firm News

I’m honored and excited to be participating in the 11th annual Closer to Free Ride on September 11th. Despite the challenges the past year has brought our communities, I’m committed to raising funds and supporting cancer research and care for those who need it most. I’ve signed up to fundraise and ride (from home!) to Smilow Cancer Hospital and Yale Cancer Center. One hundred percent of the funds I raise will go directly to changing and saving lives so the more I raise, the more people we can help together. Thank you in advance for helping us bring the world Closer to Free of cancer and thank you for your generous donation!

Click here or the photo above to donate.