By: Barbara Hager, Esq. and Ronald J. Barba, Esq. Every so often we receive calls from Board members or property managers exasperated by the actions of a meddling, “helping” or interfering unit owner who has taken it upon themselves to instruct Association vendors on...
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We are the advocates on whom home owners associations (HOAs) and real estate owners rely when they have legal concerns. We are Bender Anderson and Barba, P.C.
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Month: March 2019
Condominium Foreclosures and the Banking Industry
By: Barbara Hager, Esq. and Amy Spears, Paralegal Many times, our clients will rely on the foreclosure process when unit owners are not paying their common charges. On occasion the unit owners will have a mortgage on their unit. When this is the case, the...
General Collection Procedures and Tips
By: Kristie Leff One of the most important functions of boards and property managers is to make sure common fees are collected and accounted for every month. This stream of income is vital to the successful operation of the association. When accounts become...
A Board Member’s Highest Loyalty: It’s Not What You Think!
By: Barbara G. Hager In your life as a Board member you have probably heard something like this from an unhappy unit owner: “You work for me! You owe me a duty to do what is best for me!” Well, no. None of that is true and here’s why. As a Board member, your first...
Condominium Association Insurance Coverage
By: Kristie Leff Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 47-255, associations are obligated to maintain the following insurance coverage: Property insurance on the common elements, and on the units in the case of buildings with units having horizontal...